Admission started for the academic year 2024-2025

Admission Helpline
+91 9544 40 9544

The physics laboratory is a cutting-edge facility designed to support experimental and theoretical physics research  , teaching , and learning .it is equipped with state-of-the-art equipped and technology to explore the fundamental laws of nature and their applications.

The study of physics not only encompasses how the object is behaving under the given forces, but its scope also includes the behavior of the object under the action of every force present in nature. Therefore, the study of physics also deals with the origin and effect of all types of forces present in nature, such as electromagnetic force, gravitational force, nuclear force fields, and many more, and how these forces act in a particular system or on a particular object. The ultimate objective of Physics is to formulate a few comprehensive principles that will together be effective enough to explain all natural phenomena of a kind.